"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
What i believe this quote means is that if you do something right people will be against it, it is still right. If you do something wrong and people agree with you it is still wrong. For example if you give money to a homeless person, some people will be mad at you because they will probably use it for drugs or beer, but deep inside you, you know you did the right thing. Another example is if you see a bag full of money and you take it, everyone will be for you , but deep down you know it is the wrong thing to do. I can agree with this quote because when i see my mom give money to a homeless person i tell her why she did that but i can see in her face that she feels good a bout it and she knows she did the right thing giving that person a dollar or two rather than just ignore him like other people would do.