About Me

I am 14 years old . I like playing football and want to
join the football team next year. I am a freshman at Linda Marquez High school (HPIAM). I want to graduate High School and get a good paying job to support my family.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

Image result for check mark1) One thing that I liked about this class is Mr. Haymore's attitude when you walked in. He was always welcoming to everybody. Another thing I liked about this class was the lectures he gave on always choosing the right. He taught us right from wrong.
2) Somethings that I didn't like about this class is how he would send you to the back if you did not have your CTR card with you.
3)Some recommendations i would give to improve the class would be letting people who finished early, let them have a little free time. Another we can do to improve is teach us about computers and how they work.
4) A highlight for me in this class was probably listening to Mr. Haymore talk to us about choosing the right. Another highlight would be having free time at the end of the class.
5) I think i did do my best in this class. I put all of my effort in passing this class and i did.
6) Yes, i am reading my Life Planning Journal. There are actually stuff in there that i actually accomplished. Besides reading the journal i am actually reporting everyday for 5 min..
7) Yes, i am committed to being a CTR person because Mr, Haymore taught me that choosing the right makes you a good person and that is what iI want in my life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


This video was about to scenarios in which people would cheat. It started off showing a High School class taking a test. One girl asked another what she got for number 4 on the test. It switched scenes, showing a group of men taking a test for medical school. When the doctor handed them the test he walked out the door. As soon as he left most of the men took out a cheat sheet from under their test or from their pockets. It went back to the other scene, showing the girl looking at the teacher and telling her no, that she could not copy off of her. It went back, a man got up and said that he has family living in a cramped upstairs apartment, and if he sees anybody cheating he will call them out to the doctor. When he said that everyone put their cheat sheets away. Because of that the were the top graduating class in the school history.

Image result for lie"When You tell one lie, it leads to another."

It is true, when you tell a lie it will be followed by another. When you lie, one way or another, that lie will go on forever. When you lie you get used to it and it is natural for you to lie. It basically becomes a habit of yours. Everyone lies, it is not realistic to expect that everyone is always telling the truth, everyone lies and most of the time it is not a big deal. For example when a child lies to their parent, they want to trick them, so they continue to lie more and more.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The sting of the scorpion

Image result for scorpion
Patrick was out camping with his family in the Arabian Peninsula. His parents had told him that whenever he went outside he should always put on shoes to protect himself from any dangers. One day he wanted to go out and explore he wasn’t going very far so he put on sandals. He was walking down a trail when a sharp pain stung him from under the sandal, under it was a scorpion. He screamed for his life, when his parents finally came. His parents packed everything into the car and drove to the nearest hospital , which was 2 hours away. When they got there the doctor helped them and in 24 hours he was better. After this experience he learned that you should always obey your parents.

Image result for mark twain"Always do right."

This quote is very true. There is always something you should do, and that is to do right. No matter the situation. If you do the right, right thing will come to you. Doing the right can lead to you having a good life in the future. You should be a CTR person any chance you get. Personally i do the right because I know that somehow life is going to repay me one way or another. An example of doing the right is staying away from drugs and alcohol. Staying away from these can prevent you from choosing the right.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Image result for avoid bad company" It's better to be alone than to be in bad company."

I agree with this quote because it is true. Being alone is way better than to be in bad company. When you are alone you avoid getting into trouble and when your around bad company there is a chance you can get in trouble. its better to be out of trouble than being out knowing that trouble is looking for you. If you are going out , you should be with people like you that are not going to get you into trouble .
Image result for flag raisingWorld War II

World War II , also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The countries that fought in World War II were Germany, Italy and Japan, which comprised the Axis Powers, and Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America, which comprised the Allies. A few events that occurred during the war was in 1939, Hitler's occupation of the Sudetenland and the invasion of Czechoslovakia - culminated in the German invasion of Poland on 1 September. Another event that occurred was in 1944, on 6 June. As Operation Overlord got underway - some 6,500 vessels landed over 130,000 Allied forces on five Normandy beaches: code named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.

To honor and respect WWII veterans we can:

  • Give Veterans an opportunity to tell their stories.
  • Thank Veterans for their service to our country
  • Respect Veterans’ service, their feelings, and any suggestions they might offer


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Image result for jfk with sunglasses“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

What i think JFK is trying to tell us is that it is best for you to have a healthy body. Having a healthy body can help you do your best at all times. Not having a healthy body can prevent you from doing your best. It gives you more energy for things you thought you couldn't do. Not giving your full effort can show that you are not the best. Mental health is important as well. If you do not feed yourself properly you might feel lazy and tired, which will not help you get to the peak of your intelligence and skill.

Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:A health science librarian provides access to medical information through books, pamphlets, journals, tapes, multimedia presentations, and the Internet. Health science librarians help health providers, patients, and students sort through the vast amount of information available.
Salary: $52,000-$611,000
Education: Individuals interested in becoming a medical librarian must complete a 4-year baccalaureate program in any discipline they choose. The most common majors for health science librarians include biology, library sciences, management, or health information.
Demand for this profession: The job outlook 2% from the years 2014-2024. This percentage is slower than average.
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Image result for health science library
Reflection: To be honest i don't think that being a Health Science Librarian is for me. Although they make good money i don't think that i would like to work this profession.